Scalable Health Labs
Scalable Health Labs long-term mission is to quantitatively understand the behavior-biology-health pathways. With each innovation, we move a step closer to the vision of bio-behavioral medicine, where behavior and biology are treated cohesively and with empathy.
Behavioral Sensing

Health Speech AI
One of the focus of our lab on use of speech and audio signals to infer (mental) health using AI models and techniques. More information can be found here.

Data Science

Research supported by NSF, NIH and Microsoft Research
NSF Expeditions in Computing – “See Below the Skin”
Our goal in this NSF Expeditions project is to develop, test, and validate new imaging systems – Computational Photo-Scatterography (CPS), to non-invasively image below the skin at tunable depths. For more information, please visit our project page.
PATHS-UP aims to develop two engineered systems to monitor key biomarkers (e.g., biochemical, biophysical, and behavioral) of chronic disease – a Lab-in-your-Palm (LiyP) and a Lab-on-a-Wrist (LoaW). Please see our project page for more details.